Ready or Not, Change is Coming

K'gari (fraser Island) Jan 22 Clean Up

We love it when a passionate woman hosts a podcast about an important, yet complex issue and makes it not only fascinating and easy to understand but wholly relatable to our lives. This is exactly what Tracey Thomas has done. In her new 12 part climate change podcast series, Tracey takes us into the murky, often polarising issue of climate change and dispels the myths, explains the science and tells us just how our changing climate is, and will affect all our lives. 

The term climate change has been around for a long time now but now more than ever it can seem too complex, too dividing, too politically charged to fully get to grips with. The complexities that surround this all encompassing topic can feel overwhelming. What does the science mean? What is happening right now and what are we still just predicting for the future? Possibly the most important question we ask ourselves, how does it affect me and the ones I love?Team Building in paradise

Throughout the course of the series, Tracey hosts a number of expert and diverse guests. We’re talking NASA, National Geographic and professors, through to farmers, firefighters and small business owners. People who see climate change from every possible angle; those who study what happens to our world when the climate is in crisis and those that are already living through the consequences.

Travel is a time to see the bigger picture, get out of our armchairs and into the world which, right now, is at the mercy of climate change. Nothing will get you fired up more than the knowledge that the beautiful forest you’re camping in tonight, or the reef you marvelled at just this morning, is under threat. Understanding climate change and its real world consequences is the first step towards meaningful change.

For anyone who feels just a bit overwhelmed by the polarising politics, complex science and general misinformation around our changing climate. We highly recommend giving this excellent podcast a listen. Got a road trip coming up? This podcast is perfect for those long hours on the road. Available on Apple podcasts, Spotify and other podcast apps, and the title is right – ready or not, change really is coming!